Local News
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At Monday evening’s city council meeting, council members discussed snow removal during a public forum. Council member Roy Gage said he noticed the amount of snow removed along North 17th Street … more
Editor’s Note: A number of landowners whose land is affected by the proposed CO2 pipelines have asked the Estherville News to help readers understand the money behind the companies seeking to … more
In the 1989 movie Field of Dreams, a famous line is often quoted: “Build it and he will come.” Toward the end of the movie, actor James Earl Jones (Terrence Mann) says to Kevin Costner (Ray … more
Lyle Hevern celebrated his retirement from work as Estherville and Emmet County Economic Development Director last Thursday. Friday was his last day of work, and also his birthday. This week is the … more
  Tuesday morning, agricultural economic experts released a new study that found Iowa ethanol production is at a crossroads, and access to carbon capture and sequestration is the way … more
Iowa Lakes Community College has measured its enrollment growth for the 2022-2023 academic year. The number is moving closer to pre-pandemic figures. “We are very excited about Iowa Lakes … more
Carbon dioxide pipeline issues continued to preoccupy the Emmet County Board of Supervisors when they met Tuesday, Feb. 14. In the public forum, Supervisor Jeff Quastad said he and Supervisor John … more
After considerable discussion, the Emmet County Planning and Zoning Commission in a public hearing Wednesday, Feb. 8 passed the first reading of a pipeline ordinance regulating permitting, … more
The last vendors of Estherville Co-op are on their way out. The vendor co-op model hasn’t worked out the way owner Chacha Kora envisioned in August when he first came to Estherville to start his … more
ARMSTRONG — Saturday, Feb. 11 marked two years since five current and former City of Armstrong employees were arrested and charged with felony and serious misdemeanor charges regarding city … more
The Iowa Donor Network recently announced its donor numbers for 2022. The Estherville News talked to two Emmet County heart recipients, who said there’s more to receiving a new heart than most … more
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