Local News
831 results total, viewing 676 - 700
Will everything come up roses at the July 3 public hearing on a rezoning classification in downtown Estherville? Rezoning hearings don’t often have local residents attracted to their beauty, … more
It was a year ago that Estherville Communications broke ground on its Estherville headquarters and highlighted plans to deploy a fiber-to-the-premise network in rural Estherville with the capability … more
Iowa Republican Sen. Charles Grassley and several state lawmakers took a tour of the Art’s Way Manufacturing plant in Armstrong Monday, with the senator later answering questions from … more
State-mandated property tax exemptions might make the state look like the good guy. However, in reality it’s counties who will end up holding the bag with the new homestead and future military … more
Following action by the school board on Monday, Estherville Lincoln Central coaches and other extracurricular activity leaders will receive an increase for their work outside of the classroom … more
Over 80 jazz campers came to Estherville for the Reggie Schive Jazz Camp last week. Hours of clinics and rehearsals culminated in student concerts on Thursday. From morning to evening lessons, combo … more
Three first responders and a local business owner were honored Thursday evening by the Estherville Elks Lodge for their efforts to rescue one of the residents of an Estherville apartment building … more
WALLINGFORD — The Wallingford Community Fire Department Annual Fundraiser is this Saturday and gives area residents a chance to support the small town’s emergency services. Held at the fire … more
Emmet and Palo Alto Counties are the last two in Iowa without an identified case of Emerald Ash Borer. The Iowa Dept. of Agriculture announced last week that the beetle was confirmed in Remsen, … more
The Emmet County Board of Supervisors at its Tuesday, June 13 meeting discussed impending county building projects. Auditor Amy Sathoff said if a contract is awarded as planned, construction will … more
Chuck Nourse of Estherville turned 93 on Brushy Creek Honor Flight number 23. Well wishers sang Happy Birthday as he joined the other Honor Flight veterans as they traveled through Dulles Airport in … more
The Iowa State Fire Marshal’s Office has issued its conclusion in the apartment fire that occurred in Estherville April 10. Special Agent Andrew Giere told the Estherville News the fire originated … more
Karen Russell and Steve Erickson of the Estherville Airport Commission addressed the Estherville city council at Monday’s meeting. The events surrounding a tenant at the hangar revealed the … more
Matt Watt, son of Steve and Pat, husband to Ricca (Soper) Watt, dad to two daughters, is returning from Omaha to open E’ville CrossFit gym in what was most recently Eventful on 1st Ave. South in … more
The Emmet County Board of Supervisors at its Tuesday, June 6 meeting approved an $18,500 revolving loan request to keep a daycare running in Estherville. Michelle Howing, Emmet County Attorney … more
Skies and neighborhoods may be a bit less lit and loud during this summer’s celebrations. At Monday evening’s Estherville city council meeting, the council passed a new ordinance that governs … more
Three survivors of leukemia told their stories during the 2023 Emmet County Relay for Life, which took place Friday, June 2. The evening also included a live auction, bake sales, raffles, lighting of … more
If you need help, where best to look other than someone with experience. That’s the role and mission of RSVP of Northwest Iowa, also known as the Retired Senior Volunteer Program. The local … more
It’s that time of year for all girls ages 17-21 to register for the Emmet County Fair Queen pageant. Participants must be an active member of at least one service organization in her community. The … more
Estherville Police Department’s K9 Pepper will receive a bullet and stab protective vest thanks to a charitable donation from non-profit organization Vested Interest in K9s, Inc. K9 Pepper’s vest … more
What is a Heritage Ride? There was a phone call last Friday afternoon to the newspaper stating that the Ride would be coming to Emmetsburg. It was leaving Pocahontas and would arrive south of town … more
The Emmet County Board of Supervisors at its Tuesday, May 30 meeting approved a third budget amendment for the 2023 fiscal year. Much of the amendment was offset by other revenue. Additional … more
We’ve heard it before, and we’ll hear it again. It’s been a long, long winter. Friends of Fort Defiance members took the edge off winter’s memory when they gathered for cleanup of the … more
  SPIRIT LAKE – The Iowa Lakes Community College Board of Trustees heard about High School Partnerships and the Spirit Lake campus career academy at their Tuesday, May 16 meeting in … more
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