Local News
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Late last week, Jeff Robinson, native of Estherville and CEO of Capital Professional Holdings based in Minnetonka, Minnesota, spoke with the Estherville News about the latest update for the federal … more
    The Emmet County Board of Supervisors at their Tuesday, March 7 meeting approved a maximum expected levy of $3,894,189 for general county services and $1,422,317 for rural … more
Although turnout was light, voters in the North Union School District on Tuesday overwhelmingly approved two public measures. Voters approved 98-8 to renew the district’s Physical Plant and … more
In the second segment describing the history of the Emmet County Nature Center, we looked at the special celebratory/fundraiser banquets held each spring since 2008. Emmet County Conservation Board … more
Some people might be thinking about a facelift after they hit 66, since some of us start looking a little jowly by then. Well, the Emmet County Courthouse, is finally getting a facelift. After … more
A group of local veterans connected to VFW Post 3388 and major supporters of the post have formed a special board called the Veterans Action Corps Council. The group is focused on veteran betterment … more
Emmet County will find itself facing StateLine Cooperative again – this time regarding a refund on property taxes for years outside a recent settlement. Emmet County Attorney Melanie Summers … more
The Emmet County Board of Supervisors at their Tuesday, March 7 meeting held a public hearing and approved first reading of an ordinance amending portions of the county zoning ordinance to address … more
Dist. 5 Iowa Sen. Dave Rowley and Dist. 9 Rep. Henry Stone met with constituents Saturday afternoon, March 4 in a legislative town hall at the Regional Wellness Center in Estherville during the Farm, … more
The push for all-electric vehicles has thrown many of Iowa and Emmet County’s sectors into question: will the rural area have enough charging stations for the number of electric vehicles on the … more
At Monday evening’s city council meeting, city finance director Beth Burton and city administrator Penny Clayton presented the proposed 2023-2024 budget. The council set a public hearing on the … more
At Monday evening’s city council meeting, city finance director Beth Burton and city administrator Penny Clayton presented the proposed 2023-2024 budget. The council set a public hearing on the … more
In a recent story, we looked at the history of the planning and construction of the Emmet County Nature Center. It was a long-time vision of the Emmet County Conservation Board (ECCB) and ECCB … more
The Emmet County Board of Supervisors at its Tuesday, Feb. 28 meeting continued to discuss – and act upon – carbon-dioxide pipeline issues impacting the county. In the open forum, Supervisor … more
The Estherville Area Growth Partnership has a new Executive Director, Lexie Ruter, following the retirement of Lyle Hevern. Ruter is a longtime board member of the Partnership, and is the Executive … more
WALLINGFORD — The 1927 Wallingford Lutheran Church was a most appropriate venue when Stacie Berg-Nelson updated Emmet County Historical Society members on the Peterson Point Historic Homestead at … more
The board of the Brugjeld-Peterson Historic Farmstead is planning a celebration of Norwegian independence on May 13. Known as Syttende Mai, for the actual date of independence of May 17, the … more
Joan Eveleth of Estherville represented the core group of four women who have made Emmet County’s Quilts of Valor sustain through the challenges of the last several years. Launched in 2018, the … more
  When Tyler Rogers, PT, DPT was a teenager in Mediapolis, Iowa, he accompanied his grandmother to a few outpatient physical therapy appointments. Grandmother was depressed after her … more
At Monday evening’s city council meeting, council members discussed snow removal during a public forum. Council member Roy Gage said he noticed the amount of snow removed along North 17th Street … more
Editor’s Note: A number of landowners whose land is affected by the proposed CO2 pipelines have asked the Estherville News to help readers understand the money behind the companies seeking to … more
In the 1989 movie Field of Dreams, a famous line is often quoted: “Build it and he will come.” Toward the end of the movie, actor James Earl Jones (Terrence Mann) says to Kevin Costner (Ray … more
Lyle Hevern celebrated his retirement from work as Estherville and Emmet County Economic Development Director last Thursday. Friday was his last day of work, and also his birthday. This week is the … more
  Tuesday morning, agricultural economic experts released a new study that found Iowa ethanol production is at a crossroads, and access to carbon capture and sequestration is the way … more
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