Local News
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Emmet County information technology director Trevor Ducket joined Tuesday morning’s meeting of the Emmet County supervisors to discuss the planning and strategy he will undertake to prevent future … more
At Tuesday morning’s county supervisors meeting, Emmet County Emergency Management Director Travis Sheridan said FEMA lists Emmet County as having six homeowners displaced from their homes. Due to … more
The 2024 Emmet County Agricultural Show starts today, marking its 156th year. Tuesday evening, the Fair Queen and Princess were crowned, and the fair board dedicated its memorial trees. The fair … more
After nearly two years of consistent effort, the Estherville FFA has a facility for hands-on learning that any school district would be proud. This past Saturday, the Estherville FFA held its … more
Jen Sievert, vice-president of customer and community relations at Iowa Lakes Electric Coop, said the cooperative encourages its employees to be points of light and volunteer in their communities. A … more
Monday evening’s city council meeting was short and sweet, but perhaps not as sweet as the Sweet Corn that will be served for Sweet Corn Days. The Sweet Corn Days committee requested street … more
The Emmet County Community Foundation distributed its grants last week during a luncheon at the Estherville VFW. Grants in the Community Betterment category are as follows: The city of … more
It’s been over a year since 10 plaintiffs filed a civil case against the city of Estherville, police chief Brent Shatto, and former officer Ben Scheevel for invasion of privacy and other harms … more
Ashley Foley, Emmet County Naturalist, and Matt Reineke, Emmet County Conservation Director, recently spoke to the Estherville Rotary Club about the newest adventures at the Emmet County Nature … more
Three young women hope to become the 2024 Emmet County Fair Queen. Addison Robinson, Jo Oleson, and Addison Kruse are this year’s contestants. The 2024 Fair Queen Contest and clothing events will … more
The Estherville Lincoln Central School Board welcomed new superintendent Aiddy Phomvisay to his first regular board meeting Monday with a lively discussion on the school district’s Good Conduct … more
For years, Barb Heenan and Randine Crouch have shared their Sclero-WHAT? Adventures on social media. It's a high-tech way for Heenan, who has carried on with scleroderma since she was 22 years old, … more
Jury selection in the trial of Kyle Ricke, who’s charged with first degree murder in the shooting death of Officer Kevin Cram of Algona, lasted a full day on Monday and for over an hour Tuesday … more
The Emmet County Supervisors made budget appropriations to the Local Option Sales & Service Tax funds for $200,000 and the opioid funds for $7,500. In other business at its regular Tuesday … more
Helen Lester has survived a lot of things, including deaths of her husband, Dr. Russell Lester, and one son, Dr. John Lester. The girl from Minnesota was the only family member of her generation as … more
The Estherville Parks & Recreation board had a light agenda Monday evening, in part due to flooding interrupting some planned work at the parks. Parks maintenance supervisor Roger Hash said his … more
Rain stayed away during the Fourth of July morning at the 75th annual Estherville Flight Breakfast last Thursday. Above, younger attendees were curious about the classic Grumman Tiger, Rosita. Tony … more
A jury in Dickinson County found Kyle Ricke guilty of first-degree murder in the death of Algona police officer Kevin Cram. The prosecution and defense presented their cases over two days before … more
So what does it mean to be a leader? What does it take to lead? Those are the questions three North Union students faced when they attended Girls State at Drake University in Des Moines June 16-21. … more
Emmet County Supervisor Lisa Hansen told the Emmet County Board of Supervisors at its Tuesday, June 2 meeting she was named Early Childhood North Central Iowa chair at the group’s meeting Monday, … more
In a little over a month, Ringsted citizens will celebrate their Quasquicentennial Aug. 8-11. Understandably, that was the focus for both the Ringsted Community Improvement Organization and the … more
Anyone who doesn’t believe dogs are man’s (and woman’s) best friend hasn’t met Drifter. Drifter is an 18-month-old black lab who stays by Vicar Kim Kacmarynski’s side 24 hours a day, … more
At Monday evening’s meeting, the Estherville City ouncil approved an amendment to a city ordinance to alter the speed limit on North Sixth Street from First Ave. North to Firth Ave. North. The … more
Mark is an attorney from Kansas. Alan is the retired sheriff of Yuba County, California. The two joined 250 trained Red Cross disaster workers dispatched to northwest Iowa through July 9 to help … more
Emmet County may have experienced historic flooding Sunday, June 23, but even that paled in comparison to the public outrage over the Iowa Utility Board’s approval of Summit Carbon Solutions, … more
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