Local News
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Estherville mayor A.J. Edwards began his term as of Jan. 1, 2024 after winning the November, 2023 election. Edwards told the Estherville News in our election guide that the people of Estherville are … more
New Estherville Lincoln Central superintendent Aiddy Phomvisay will have an experienced staff as he begins his first year with the school district. This year there are only four new full-time … more
When people reach age 125, they might get a little creaky in the joints, walk with a limp or have a little trouble seeing or hearing. That was not the case with Ringsted, though, which this past … more
Around 30 people braved the cloudy conditions on Sunday afternoon for the 2024 Sweet Corn Days River Float that left from the A17 access on the Des Moines River, West Fork. Find more scenes from … more
Estherville Sweet Corn Days kicks off tonight with Downtown Market at 4:30 p.m. in Library Square, including an Author event with four local authors to meet, greet, and pick up a good end-of-summer … more
The 2024 Emmet County Agricultural Show starts today, marking its 156th year. Tuesday evening, the Fair Queen and Princess were crowned, and the fair board dedicated its memorial trees. The fair … more
After nearly two years of consistent effort, the Estherville FFA has a facility for hands-on learning that any school district would be proud. This past Saturday, the Estherville FFA held its … more
For years, Barb Heenan and Randine Crouch have shared their Sclero-WHAT? Adventures on social media. It's a high-tech way for Heenan, who has carried on with scleroderma since she was 22 years old, … more
Rain stayed away during the Fourth of July morning at the 75th annual Estherville Flight Breakfast last Thursday. Above, younger attendees were curious about the classic Grumman Tiger, Rosita. Tony … more
Richard Baker was one of eight Emmet County veterans who traveled to Washington DC in May on the Brushy Creek Honor Flight. A Navy veteran, Baker said veterans on the flight learned facts in American … more
Last Thursday, June 20, the West Fork, Des Moines River, was predicted to rise to the unprecedented level of 18.1 feet, passing the 1969 record of 17.8 feet. Overnight Sunday into Monday, June 24, … more
You know what sort of town you live in when a disaster brings out the best in people. That was the case this past weekend when throngs of volunteers turned out at the Estherville county shed … more
This Fourth of July, Estherville will celebrate its 75th annual Flight Breakfast next week at the Estherville Airport. The milestone event will feature a bounce house, face paining, the Northwest … more
It can happen anywhere, even in Perry, Iowa, for example. And minutes can mean a lifetime – many lifetimes. North Union School in Armstrong was the site as well for an active shooter drill … more
A breakfast buffet, flag ceremony, and military stories highlighted Friday’s Veterans breakfast at the Estherville Elks Club. Veterans and their families came to breakfast, and members of Girl … more
The jukebox from Moke’s malt shop was donated in March to the Emmet County Historical Museum by Eric Anderson, the owner of Valley Contracting, not the county conservation director. The museum … more
It’s not uncommon for people from Estherville to take a road trip to Fairmont, Minn. to dine somewhere different. That’s what two couples from Estherville did last Friday night. Holly and Randy … more
The Brujgeld Peterson Historic Farmstead celebrated its Founders Day on June 8 with food, fun, music, craft demonstrations and a shoot-em-up. The Brugjeld-Peterson family arrived in the U.S. on the … more
Late Friday afternoon’s rains and flash floods didn’t dampen the 2024 Relay for Life, which took place for the first time at the Regional Wellness Center in Estherville. All of the elements of … more
Too much rain in a short amount of time caused travel problems on the east side of Estherville late Friday afternoon. A downpour came fast enough that the storm sewer intakes couldn’t keep up as … more
With three contested races on their ballot, Emmet County Republicans had a strong showing at the polls in the Tuesday, June 4 Primary Election. Unofficial results were sent out late Tuesday. Emmet … more
Ringsted families and friends of veterans present and past gathered Memorial Day morning to pay homage to veterans who have served our country. The ceremony was presented by members of American … more
by Amy H. Peterson apeterson@esthervillenews.net Monday in Estherville, Memorial Day observances included an honor guard made up of members of the Iowa National Guard, VFW Post 3388, American … more
Around 3:30 p.m. on Saturday afternoon, May 18, the Estherville Fire Dept. was paged for a kayak that had flipped over in the West Fork, Des Moines River between the Fourth Street Bridge and Tom & … more
Seventy-six seniors crossed the stage at the 2024 Estherville Lincoln Central High School commencement program Sunday afternoon at the high school. Jaselyne Anderson welcomed those in … more
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