Local News
211 results total, viewing 126 - 150
The Estherville Chamber of Commerce, Excel! Estherville, and the Estherville Area Partnership for Growth presented their annual awards Tuesday evening. Dale Breuer was named Citizen of the Year, … more
Adam J (AJ) Edwards will be Estherville’s mayor starting in 2024 following Tuesday’s city elections. With incumbent mayor Kenny Billings not seeking re-election, Edwards was one of two … more
These World War I memories are part of a two-part series that ran in the Estherville Daily News Oct. 25-26, 1973. As you will read in these memories, the Spanish flu of that time affected the service … more
Saturday night, individuals from many sectors of the community received medals for their service to the Emmet County community. Firefighters, police officers, members of the sheriff’s department … more
It was a banner year for the United States. A third wave of a pandemic hit, telephones with new capabilities were popular, scientists were making world-shifting discoveries, the price of a first … more
This weekend, the Estherville Lincoln Central High School Theatre will present “Peter Pan,” a musical based on the play by Sir James M. Barrie. Lorie Irwin and Kameron DeMoss direct the … more
Success seems to follow the Estherville Lincoln Central Marching Band year after year. The 48-member group took part in four competitions which were highlighted by an Excellent rating at the Iowa … more
The inaugural Fall Festival on the Farm was held Saturday, Oct. 21 at Brugjeld-Peterson Historic Farmstead on High Lake in rural Wallingford. The date was postponed from rainy September to a mild, … more
Mike Torreson of Wallingford had hired a custom harvester to finish his field. Tuesday, the combine was running, and Mike’s father, 96-year-old Ralph Torreson, was riding along. Unexpectedly, the … more
Jan Greig brought the Estherville High School class of 1952 together for dinner and reminiscing at the Estherville Golf Course last Saturday. If it seemed a lot like the gathering for the 70th … more
Jenny Boggess retired from teaching third grade at Demoney Elementary School in May. She had no time to sit on her laurels as she joined Americorps through the Iowa State University Extension to work … more
Last week, a cast of, if not thousands, then dozens came together to pull off a project at the Estherville Municipal Airport hangar. It seemed simple enough – power wash the interior of the hangars … more
This is the second article in a three-part series in September about how local people see the community int terms of its assets and challenges. For this week, we talked with Nancy Danielson, a … more
Nepal, first of all, is a long, thin country shaped somewhat like Tennessee, 100 miles from top to bottom, located between the powerhouses of India and China. Missionary Katherine Parker told a … more
Over the past few years, the Estherville Lincoln Central School District has consolidated into one campus and improved its classroom facilities. At its regular meeting this past Monday, the school … more
Interviewing 50-year Estherville residents Don and Carolyn Brown was an idea sparked by our interview of Amalia Ocallan for last week’s edition. The Browns live across the street from … more
Interviewing 50-year Estherville residents Don and Carolyn Brown was an idea sparked by our interview of Amalia Ocallan for last week’s edition. The Browns live across the street from … more
As work on Highways 4 and 9 in Estherville continues into September, local residents are ready for the way to clear. Dean Herbst, project manager, which is contracted with Cedar Valley Corp, LLC … more
Dr. Rick Erbes passed away June 9, 2023 at the age of 71. He leaves behind many family members and friends, but also colleagues. Members of the Iowa Podiatric Medical Society contacted the … more
This is the first article in a three-part series in September about how local people see the community in terms of its assets and challenges. For this week, we asked local baker Amalia Ocallan to … more
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