Local News
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About 70 people filled a lecture hall at Iowa Lakes Community College last Thursday evening to review updates to the permitting and surveying processes of the Navigator Heartland Greenway and Summit … more
The Emmet County Board of Supervisors at its Tuesday, April 25 meeting discussed a recently filed federal lawsuit against the county by Navigator pipeline, just weeks after a similar filing by Summit … more
Debi Durham said more than once on a visit to Estherville on April 19 that she always wanted a tattoo. Durham visited Estherville with Beth Balzer, business development manager of Iowa Economic … more
The Iowa Dept. of Transportation is working on Highways 4 and 9 in various parts of Estherville and beyond this spring and summer. The first project is a mixed asphalt resurfacing project taking … more
At Monday evening’s city council meeting, the council approved plans and specifications for the 2023 Watermain Improvements Project. Bids are due May 10, 2023 with a public hearing at the May 15 … more
The Estherville city council issued an abatement on the property at 608 22nd Avenue North, and the court awarded the property to the city. At the last meeting, the council developed a request for … more
The Emmet County Board of Supervisors just before its Tuesday, April 18 meeting introduced Trevor Duckett as the new county information technology coordinator. Duckett, who comes from the … more
The Estherville News previously reported Emmet County Assessor Barb Bohm’s explanation of the new assessments property owners received at the first of this month. Bohm said the assessments were … more
Fifteen years ago, the Lakes Conference consisted of nine schools. Today five schools remain in the league that was formed in the mid-1940s—Estherville Lincoln Central, Spirit Lake, Spencer, … more
The former Spirit of the Lakes dinner train sits in stillness and silence on its tracks west of Superior, Iowa. A look inside shows graffiti, debris, broken windows and damaged upholstery. The … more
Friday night, the Iowa Lakes Community College music department honored inductees from three years with a banquet, awards ceremony, custom trophies, and words of love and admiration from those who … more
The Emmet County Board of Supervisors at its Tuesday, April 11 meeting approved an architect’s agreement for the courthouse west addition. The agreement with CMBA Architects of Spencer … more
WALLINGFORD – The March 18 Emmet County Nature Center banquet was by all accounts a success, Emmet County Conservation Board Director Eric Anderson told Emmet County Nature Center Foundation … more
The Estherville News continues its data reporting on the Estherville Police Department. Chief Brent Shatto provided numerous data points in his recent annual report to the city council. The police … more
Rep. Randy Feenstra (R-IA4) visited Estherville on Wednesday, April 5 and spoke with local reporters after a private meeting with area community bankers. “[Local banks] are the cornerstone of … more
Rep. Randy Feenstra (R-IA4) visited Estherville on Wednesday, April 5 and spoke with local reporters after a private meeting with area community bankers. “[Local banks] are the cornerstone of … more
During Monday evening’s park & recreation board meeting, city administrator Penny Clayton showed board members numerous options for park benches to place along the city’s recreational trail. The … more
The Emmet County Board of Supervisors at its Tuesday, April 11 meeting received copies of a lawsuit summons filed in federal court by Summit Pipeline. Summit filed the suit in the U.S. District … more
The Emmet County Board of Supervisors at its Tuesday, April 11 meeting received copies of a lawsuit summons filed in federal court by Summit Pipeline. Summit filed the suit in the U.S. District … more
A Monday evening fire destroyed units 9-12 of the Country View Apartments, 203 S. 28th Street. The four apartments, set aside for residents who are older or disabled, had one vacant unit and four … more
Quick work by local law enforcement and volunteers helped prevent any fatalities in the Monday, April 10 fire at the County View Apartments. According to Estherville Fire Chief Travis Sheridan, … more
Emmet and Palo Alto County supervisors met for their annual meeting Tuesday, April 4 at the River Valley Cooperative building in Graettinger. All board members were present plus four Summit Carbon … more
The Emmet County Board of Supervisors at its Tuesday, April 4 meeting heard a funding request from Jarod Fischer of Wallingford Ambulance and Fire Department. Fischer told how Wallingford … more
April is Child Abuse Prevention Month. In Emmet County, a team comes together to employ strategies to help children and families in the area prevent abuse and give children happy childhoods. Data … more
A year ago, officials from Estherville Communications rolled out their plan to build infrastructure for advanced fiber optic broadband throughout the Estherville area. The company is, with property … more
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